I got a pass when I completed my ordinary level education from Zanzibar Commercial Secondary school. This enabled me to join the Microteach Institute of Business and technology where I learnt about Procurement and Supply. I was awarded a Certificate and Diploma. Later, after hearing about the Sustained business start – ups through enhanced female youth employable skills project by FAWE and Norad, I enrolled in order to gain skills in seaweed farming. We were taught seaweed farming and processing, swimming and entrepreneurship skills on how to deal with customers and designing business plans. Additionally, I also learnt basic computer skills such as using Microsoft word and Excel.
Together with my team, we were taught how to produce different seaweed products like scrub, jelly, Soap, Shampoo and pack them by the Paje Kikundi Cha Furahia Wanawake group. These skills have seen us make good sales from the seaweed products.
I can gladly say that I am proud to be a beneficiary of this project.
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