On 24th January 2023, FAWE launched her new strategic plan for 2024 – 2028 in Lusaka, Zambia. Through the strategic plan, FAWE, recommitted continuing her push for gender equality in and through education.

The strategic plan focuses on three strategic objectives namely:

SO1: To enhance provision and access to quality education and training opportunities for girls and women in Africa, SO2: To enhance the generation and utilization of research evidence to inform education policy and practice, and SO3: To strengthen institutional capacity and enhance the operational effectiveness of the FAWE network.

“The FAWE Strategic Plan 2024-2028 represents our vision for the future. It is a comprehensive framework that sets ambitious goals and strategies to address the complex issues hindering the realization of gender equality in education.” Said Hon. Aïcha Bah Diallo, FAWE Africa Board Chairperson.

Each objective is aligned with specific activities and milestones designed to bring about tangible change. By focusing on these key broad areas, FAWE can break down barriers, challenge social norms, and create an enabling environment for girls and women to thrive through education.

Speaking during the launch event, Hon. Douglas Syakalima, Minister for Education Zambia said, “FAWE’s Strategic Plan aligns seamlessly with National Educational objectives, emphasizing inclusivity and equal opportunities for all. In Zambia where challenges related to education access persist, FAWE has emerged as a beacon of hope. Through various initiatives, the organisation has tirelessly worked towards dismantling barriers that hinder the educational journey, particularly for young girls.”

The newly launched FAWE strategic Plan sets a bold vision for promoting gender equality and advancing girls’ and women’s empowerment through education across Africa. Guided by FAWE’s unwavering commitment to ensuring equitable access to quality learning, this plan charts a path toward advancing quality education for girls and women
in Africa.

Over the past three decades, FAWE has engaged with governments, local partners, schools, and communities to advocate for gender mainstreaming and to influence the development and implementation of policies, and interventions to promote girls’ and women’s education in Africa. FAWE has been a dedicated champion for the advancement of girls and women’s education and empowerment in Africa. This period has witnessed significant progress in the field of education, and FAWE has been a key player in driving this transformation.

“I am profoundly proud of the remarkable milestones achieved over the past five years under our strategic plan and the enduring legacy built during FAWE’s 30-year journey. Together, we have empowered countless girls across Africa, breaking barriers and opening doors to education. As we embark on the next chapter with our new strategic plan, I am filled with optimism. With unwavering commitment and collaborative efforts, we aim to amplify our impact, transforming more lives and shaping a future where every girl’s potential is nurtured and celebrated.” Said Ms. Martha Muhwezi, Executive Director, FAWE Africa.

FAWE’s strategic plan is a roadmap for action and impact. It aims to strengthen the organizational capacity and leadership, enhance programmatic impact, and foster sustainable development and growth. Key priority areas for the next five years include focusing on improving access to quality education, enhancing the quality of teaching and learning, promoting gender-responsive policies and practices, and advocating for systemic change at national and regional levels.


To read the full strategic Plan click the link below:


Caption: Minister of Education Zambia Hon. Douglas Syakalima takes a photo with FAWE Africa’s Board Committee and partners at the launch of the 2024-2028 Strategic Plan in Lusaka, Zambia.

Credits: FAWE Zambia/ Reagan Msoro