I dropped out of school in 2011 due to lack of fees.
One day I heard an announcement on the radio that FAWE Somalia together with the Skills for Youth Center were providing free TVET training for out-of-school girls.
I discussed it with my parents and together we decided that I enroll for the training. I immediately went to the training center and they welcomed me. I was able to complete my course, getting all the support and advice I could have wished for. My desire for further education increased and I enrolled for a teacher training course at Puntland State University which took me 2 years.
I then got a job as a primary school teacher. My desire didn’t end there. I found myself thinking what my next step was. My confidence was sky high and now that I had the ability to pay for my own education, I proceeded to enroll in East Africa University.
My confidence has received a major boost and now more than ever have faith in my abilities. The TVET training ignited a desire and boosted my morale.
Farah Samiiro Habib, age 22, is a beneficiary of the Economic Empowerment of Girls in Post-Conflict Situations through Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programme.
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