FAWE Malawi

FAWE’S action on the ground

Policy Advocacy
* As a member of the Task Force on EFA, trained a core team to ensure gender mainstreaming in EFA National Action Plans
* FAWEMA in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and CIDA worked on the revision and dissemination of the Re – Admission Policy Procedures.
* Participated in monitoring government education expenditure
* Influenced MoE to increase numbers of female teachers

Community Advocacy
• Implemented activities for girls’ education week, Global Campaign for Education
• Involved in UNlCEF’s Sara Communication Initiative
• Trained mothers’ groups on economic advantages of girls’ education
• Trained district education managers in gender sensitive teaching in health and nutrition
• Capacity building on gender issues for radio presenters

* 830 girls reached in 21 Girls’ clubs
* 900 girls and 330 boys empowered and 12 Tuseme clubs established
* 225 girls participated in Gender responsive SMT in 13 schools
* 55 girls in 19 schools awarded bursaries
* In collaboration with CCRECOM carried out community sensitization on impacts of violence against women and girls
* Project on feminine hygiene in child friendly schools as a way of reducing drop outs among girls
* Establishment of Mothers’ Groups
* Established FAWE clubs in Mzuzu University and Chancellor College

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    Country Education Statistics – Source: World Bank