Dear partners, members, beneficiaries, alumni and friends of FAWE,

We did it! We made it through a turbulent year brought about by a global pandemic. The silver lining is that this has been a year of learnings and tolerance. Tolerance for unprecedented situations and above all, tolerance and mindfulness for each other as we navigated through the times. A common English saying says –‘What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger’. Indeed we continue to be victorious even in the face of adversity.

We, not only as a community but as a continent have had to find new ways of living and working but this has not dimmed our indomitable spirit. I urge you all to continue with the same gusto in this new year of optimism.  I wish to invite you to liken 2021 to a blank page on a book. Go forth and write your course such that by the end of the year, you can look back with pride.

I can’t say thank you enough for the FAWE Board and the FAWE team both at the Regional Secretariat and National Chapters level. I deeply appreciate your efforts and determination to your work. Let us continue being a family.

Happy New Year 2021!