november, 2023

Event Details
The Forum for Africa Women Educationists (FAWE), will host the 3rd International Conference on Girls’ education in Africa[1], in Nairobi, Kenya, on 21st and 22nd November
Event Details
The Forum for Africa Women Educationists (FAWE), will host the 3rd International Conference on Girls’ education in Africa[1], in Nairobi, Kenya, on 21st and 22nd November 2023 under the theme “Transforming Education Systems in Africa: What Works.”
The overall objective of the conference is to provide a platform for researchers, academicians, students, governments, innovators and other professionals from Sub- Saharan Africa to reflect on advancements in the advocacy for girls’ education and provide innovative solutions to emerging trends that affect access to quality education trends. The conference contributes to the realization of SDGs 4[2] and SDG 5[3], as well as CESA 16-25[4]. Knowledge generated at the conference will inform the strategies for expanding reach and pursuit for gender equality, advancing the innovative use of technology in education, cascading gender responsive pedagogy in early childhood education, encouraging education for girls and women leadership. The conference will also explore the good practices on implementation of comprehensive sexuality education.
The objectives of the conference are to;
- Generate knowledge for effective incorporation of ICT in education;
- Facilitate dialogue between teachers, policy makers, youth and educationalists on addressing the increased numbers of teenage pregnancies and ensuring access to education for all ;
- Highlight appropriate teaching and learning methodologies at all levels of education for enhanced gender equality in education;
- Interrogate Technical Voluntary Education Training (TVET) as an integral part of formal education.
Important Conference Information:
Click HERE to view the conference concept note.
Click HERE to view the event programme.
Click HERE to view the event logistics note in English.
Cliquez ICI pour consulter la note logistique de l’événement en français.
Register for the event HERE. For more information, contact us via
[2] SDG 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
[3] SDG 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
[4] CESA 16-25 is designed to involve the widest possible coalition for education, training and STI in Africa. Available at
Month Long Event (november)
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