Our Impact
Our work has improved the academic and social development of both girls and boys in our countries of operation. Through our advocacy work and our various programmes, we have worked towards achieving gender equality and equity in education in sub-Saharan Africa. Download our 15-year anniversary booklet.
Centres of Excellence (CoE)
Centres of Excellence (CoEs) were initiated in 1999 and have led to increased rates of girls’ enrolment, performance, retention, completion of school. The COEs have also experienced greater participation by girls in classroom processes, more girls in school committees and leadership roles, reduction in teenage pregnancies and higher gender awareness among boys in mixed COEs.
More than 6,500 girls and boys have benefited from FAWE’s COEs since 1999.
Tuseme ( Let us speak Out)
Tuseme youth empowerment model was introduced in 1996 and has led to an improvement in girls’ self-esteem and in their leadership, social and life skills, teachers’ positive attitudinal change towards girls and significant reduction in sexual harassment. It has enabled boys to de-link from gender discriminatory attitudes and practices.
More than 80,000 girls and boys have benefited from FAWE’s Tuseme model since 1996.
Gender-Responsive Pedagogy (GRP)
Gender-Responsive Pedagogy was initiated in 2005 and has led to an improvement in girls’ retention and performance, greater participation of girls’ in the classroom and improved gender relations within schools. It has enabled teachers to develop teaching practices that engender equal treatment and participation of girls and boys in the classroom and in the wider school community.
More than 6,600 teachers have benefited from FAWE’s GRP training since 2005.
Science, Mathematics and Technology (STEM)
Science, Mathematics and Technology (SMT) model was initiated in 2005 and has achieved higher rates of girls’ participation in SMT subjects, improved test scores for girls, improved teachers’ attitudes towards girls’ abilities and participation in SMT, improved instructional materials for SMT subjects, girls’ positive attitudinal change to SMT, greater confidence for girls in tackling academic challenges, enhancement of girls’ chances for career progression.
Over 15,000 students have benefited from FAWE’s SMT programme since 1995.
Comprehensive scholarship package/ bursaries
Our Comprehensive scholarship package/ bursaries programme was initiated in 2003 and extends financial support to girls and boys from underprivileged backgrounds. These bursaries enable bright students from poor backgrounds to enrol in school, stay on to complete the school cycle at primary or secondary level, and perform well in national examinations.
More than 46,000 girls and boys have benefited from FAWE’s bursary programme since 2003.