9th FAWE Donors’ Consortium Meeting
FAWE has invited partners from some 20 donor agencies to review its strategic direction and planned programme activities for 2011 at the 9th FAWE Donors’ Consortium Meeting (DCM) to be held in Mahe, Seychelles from 3 to 4 March 2011.
The DCM is an annual meeting at which FAWE’s donors from bilateral and multilateral agencies come together with the FAWE Executive Committee (EC) to discuss FAWE’s programme implementation and strategic planning. Together, donor partners and the EC review the progress, outcomes and challenges of FAWE’s work of the previous year as well as the strategic focus and planned programme activities of the current year.
In 2011, FAWE will undertake vigorous advocacy at policy level, within learning institutions and within communities to influence equality, equity and quality in education for all African children.
The organisation aims to review education policy and plan documents for gender-responsiveness in eight countries including Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, Liberia, Nigeria, Seychelles and Somalia. It will also work with ministries of education (MoE) and other stakeholders in Chad, Madagascar, Uganda and Zanzibar to translate gender-responsive policies into action plans. FAWE will thus engage in consultations and policy dialogue with MoEs and other stakeholders and participate in MoE planning and review meetings in the target countries.
In 2011, FAWE’s advocacy work within learning institutions will aim to transform policies, practices and attitudes within universities for greater gender-responsiveness. Targeted research in higher education will inform the organisation’s advocacy work. FAWE will also support the mainstreaming of its Gender-Responsive Pedagogy (GRP) model in six teacher training colleges in Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania and Zimbabwe to help transform teaching attitudes and practices for greater gender-responsiveness.
Simultaneously, through its community advocacy work, FAWE will seek to mobilise communities in at least 15 countries to devise and undertake their own initiatives to improve girls’ enrolment, retention and performance at both primary and secondary levels.
Financial partners taking part in the DCM are expected to provide recommendations on FAWE’s 2011 work plan, approve the organisation’s strategic direction and make pledges of financial support to FAWE for the one-year, three-year and five-year periods ahead.
FAWE’s donor funding
We mobilise financial, human and material resources for our programmes from various sources at the global, regional and national levels.
Financial support includes funding from donor agencies and other funding partners; donations from individuals, foundations and private business; and sponsorship of individual programmes or beneficiaries of our work.
At the regional level, existing and potential donors from bilateral and multilateral agencies meet once a year at our Donors’ Consortium Meeting to review our programme implementation from the previous year as well as our strategic and programmatic direction for the current year.
At the national level, our National Chapters raises funds from membership contributions, ministries of education, development partners, the private sector and communities.
For a breakdown on how we plan to use donor funds for the 2008-2012 Strategic Plan period, please click here.
FAWE’s funding partners
FAWE is priviliged and grateful to have the support of numerous partners who extend financial support to FAWE as a whole or directly to our National Chapters at country level.
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