Prof. Sara Anyang Agbor currently serves as the FAWE Africa Board Chairperson (2021 – 2023). She is the African Union Commissioner for Human Resources, Science and Technology (elected in July 2017) which consists of: Education, Youth and Capacity Development and Science and Technology. Before being elected, she was the Deputy Vice-Chancellor in charge of Research, Cooperation and Relations with the Business World (DVC-RCB), University of Bamenda-North West Region of Cameroon. In her role as DVC-RCB she promoted research; efficiently and effectively managed the University’s educational and research programs as well as oversee initiatives and action plans in the University’s Research Strategic Planning.
She has served as Inspector of Academic Affairs No 1. at the Ministry of Higher Education, Cameroon during which she was responsible for evaluation and monitoring of Higher Education Institutions in Cameroon in strategic leadership, academic planning and quality, teaching and learning. She was the Focal Point for Pan African University; Conference of Ministers of Education in Africa (COMEDAF); Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers and most of all UNESCO. Moreover, she represented the Cameroon Minister of Higher Education in several capacities.
Prof. Sarah Anyang Agbor is a Cameroonian and Professor of African and Commonwealth Literatures. She has authored three text books and over thirty peer reviewed book chapters and scientific publications.