The African Union Commission is working with several partner agencies across Africa to organize the Innovating Education in Africa Expo with the theme ‘Meeting Continental Targets for Inclusive, Quality and Transformative Education and Training in the 21st Century’ to showcase technical and social innovations in every area of education and training. The purpose is to establish a multisectoral platform for experience sharing on relevant innovations that address education challenges in Africa.

The event of 4th to 6th October 2018 is also aimed at raising the visibility of these innovative practices in order that they can be supported, up-scaled, replicated or further developed.

Eligibility Criteria:

  •  Individuals, organisations or government institutions of AU Member States;
  • The innovations must have demonstrated impact, with potential for wide dissemination in Africa;
  • The individual, organisation, government institution must consent to having their innovation shared across the continent for purposes of replication;
  • Submissions must be made by the original author of the innovation or a senior official of the organisation or government institution that developed the innovation.

Benefits for successful applicants:

  • Presentation of their innovations at the Innovating Education in Africa Expo.
  • Funding support to participate in the event may be available, based on need and geographical distribution.
  • Membership of the Africa Education Innovators Network (AEIN)
  • Innovations will be published in the first edition of the Africa Education Innovators Handbook.
  • Certificate of recognition for Innovation

Submission Guidelines
Submit your innovation in any of the specified formats on the event website:
Deadline for submissions is 15 July 2018, 12.00 midnight Addis Ababa time (GMT+3).

Call for Submissions: Innovating Education in Africa Expo