Can Africa advance from QUANTITY education to QUALITY education?

Access to education still remains a big challenge in Africa despite the announcement of free education in most countries.  This is majorly caused by the financial bottlenecks faced within the continent. In a bid to offer education to the constantly increasing population of children in Africa the quality of the education offered tends to go down. The education changes from qualitative to quantitative.

If one is lucky enough to go to school they will encounter a lot of challenges in their pursuit for education such as shortage of reading materials, lack of enough teachers, food, classrooms, sanitary units etc.  Despite all these challenges most of them have the will to go through school to transform their futures.

Good news to African child with an insatiable thirst for education. On the15th of June 2016 the Global Partnership for Education Board of Directors approved grants to help improve the education of millions of children and youth in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Malawi and four Caribbean island states.

The DRC and Malawi were awarded US$100 & US$44.9 respectively for which will help the governments to improve students’ reading skills, provision of textbooks in local languages, supporting early childhood education, improving teacher training, and reducing rate of drop outs. Vulnerable populations including girls and children with disabilities will specifically benefit from this program.

The new grants will strengthen the countries’ education systems by improving equity, learning and efficiency of education offered in the aforementioned countries. This would go a long way in ensuring the quality of education offered in Africa is good as per the Sustainable development goals of 2016.

Click the link below to access the GPE press release concerning the aforementioned.