It is no secret that the Covid-19 pandemic has negatively affected the lives of millions of people around the world. Unfortunately, many people have had to lose their jobs, live on half pay cheque or completely shut down their businesses.

In April, the FAWE Rwanda alumni got together to provide basic materials and amenities to 5 families that were severely affected by the country’s lockdown as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. The care packages included 5kg of maize flour, 4kg of beans, 1kg of sugar, a bar of soap, 3kg of rice, mushrooms and 1.5 kg of porridge flour.

With the able leadership of Ms. Teta Kayitaba Chairperson, FAWE Rwanda Alumni, they put their resources together and engaged a services delivery company to deliver the care packages. They would have loved to visit the families physically but travel and movement restrictions in Rwanda could not allow as only essential services providers had that luxury.

“In these trying times, families need help more than ever and that is why we as the Rwanda Alumni got together to assist those in need.” Said Teta.

There was no specific criteria for choosing the families to assist however, priority and main focus was given to affected FAWE alumni mothers. This is a true testimony of being your ‘sister’s keeper’.

“The FAWE family continues to remain strong and close even in times of adversity and we couldn’t be more proud of our Rwanda alumni.” Said Martha Muhwezi, Executive Director FAWE.

At the moment, the Rwanda alumni are monitoring the situation on ground before they decide their next course of action.