Two major organisations working on the quality of education in Africa, FAWE and VVOB, just signed a partnership agreement in order to strengthen their collaboration, benefiting school children in Africa.

Gender inequality in education is both a cause and a consequence of deep-rooted disparities in society. Discriminatory education policies and practices still prevent millions of girls from completing and benefiting from quality education. Gender must be integrated at all levels of education, from early childhood to higher education. This entails capacity development at all levels, from national policy makers and shapers to teachers and school leaders.

The 5-year partnership between FAWE and VVOB will therefore focus on quality education and good learning outcomes for all learners, gender-responsive pedagogy and school leadership, gender-sensitive teaching and learning materials, and joint engagement at national, regional and international levels for gender-sensitive education policies and practices.


Emphasising the importance of this new agreement, Ms Hendrina Doroba, Executive Director of FAWE, said: “There are lots of opportunities where FAWE and VVOB can work together and share experiences, but more importantly collectively contribute to improving learning outcomes across the continent.” This sentiment was echoed by VVOB. “I’m delighted we have found much common ground between our institutions and that we have joined ambitions on mutual learning, staff development, communication, programming and networking,” said Mr Bart Dewaele, Director-General of VVOB.

About VVOB

The Flemish Association for Development Cooperation and Technical Assistance (VVOB) was founded in 1982 as a non-profit organisation. VVOB’s motto ‘Education for Development’ reveals its overall objective to contribute to poverty reduction and to a fairer world with increased opportunities for all. The organisation’s main aim is to sustainably improve the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of education.