Faire un don

You can make a difference today. It starts with believing things can change.


FAWE welcomes donations from individuals, foundations, charitable organisations and private business who wish to support our work. Financial contributions can be in the form of a cheque, cash or share allotment. Please click here Get Involved for more information on in-kind donations.

Donations of cash can be made as one-offs or over several months during the year. All contributions are gratefully acknowledged by FAWE according to the donor categories below:

Individual donors


  • FAWE welcomes donations from individuals to support our work


  • FAWE welcomes donations from individuals to support our work


  • Appear in FAWE’s list of donors and receive a plaque or art work in recognition of their contribution


  • Appear in FAWE’s list of donors

Corporate donors


  • FAWE welcomes donations from individuals to support our work


  • FAWE welcomes donations from individuals to support our work


  • Appear in FAWE’s list of donors and receive a plaque or art work in recognition of their contribution


  • Appear in FAWE’s list of donors

Some Statistics

African children of primary school age are not in school*
of the world’s out-of-school children live in sub-Saharan Africa*

FAWE’s Impact

Girls & boys benefited from FAWE’s Tuseme model
Girls benefited from FAWE bursaries since 2003
Boys benefited from FAWE bursaries in 2008
Teachers have been trained in FAWE’s GRP model since 2005

Contribution methods

All financial contributions are payable to: Forum for African Women Educationalists

Use fast, easy and secure PayPal to make a donation now.

Direct wire transfers can be made to the following bank account:
Account No. 0102231023
Citibank NA. US Dollar account
Swift code: CITIKENA
P.O. Box 30711 00100 Nairobi, Kenya

Correspondent Bank:
Citibank New York
Swift code: CITIUS33
New York NY USA

For further information, please contact:
Mme. Martha Muhwezi
Executive Director
Tel: +254 20 77 30 537 , +254 714 606629 or +254 20 2597919

FAWE Regional Secretariat
FAWE House
Chania Avenue, Off Wood Avenue Kilimani
PO Box 21394-00505
Nairobi, Kenya

    +254 20 77 30537 /+254 20 25 97919 /+254 714 60 6629